Thursday, 22 August 2013

How to connect to a Syspro web service

Syspro has a very powerful and comprehensive set of API's exposed as web services. Here is a guide for how to use Syspro's web services.

Firstly, you need to connect to your Syspro web service’s server and get authenticated; in return, you will get a GUID.
To do this, you need to connect to the Logon method of this SOAP service:

Then you will can call an actual API to do something useful. In this example, we will send Syspro a finished goods receipt using the Transaction web service:

To call the Transaction web service, you need to pass these four parameters:

  1. UserId – use the GUID you obtained when you logged into SYSPRO as described above.
  2. BusinessObject – set it to be this string: INVTMR. There are many business objects that you can call via the Transaction web services; consult the Syspro business object documentation on the Syspro Support Zone for what web services you can use. 
  3. XMLParameters – this will be a fairly large string containing an XML document as described below.
  4. XMLIn – this will be a fairly large string containing an XML document; see below for example.


Here is an example of the XMLParameters string:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<PostInvReceipts xmlns:xsd="" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="INVTMR.XSD">


Here is an example of the XMLIn string:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<PostInvReceipts xmlns:xsd="" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="INVTMRDOC.XSD">


On successfully calling the web service, you should get a result like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<postinvreceipts Language='05' Language2='EN' CssStyle='' DecFormat='1' DateFormat='01' Role='01' Version='6.1.038' OperatorPrimaryRole='   '>

XSD files

There are XSD files available for each Business Object. The XSD files are distributed with Syspro and found in the <Syspro-installation-directory>\Base\Schemas directory. These XSD files can be used to generate code objects. See this blog for more information on generating code objects from Syspro's XSD files:

Monday, 12 August 2013

What LOG files does Syspro create?

Diagnosing errors can be tricky; a log file can be invaluable. Here are some log files that Syspro updates.

Log file
This file gets written to when you crash Syspro; you can crash Syspro by creating a custom with a .Net User Control that throws an unhandled exception.
If you create an empty file, BASE/SRSQRT.DEBUG, file, then as soon as SRS or VBScriptiong with CALLBO is used, this log file will be written to.
If you call SYSPRO.EXE, IMPACT.EXE, IMPCSC.EXE or IMPAUT.EXE with the /log parameter, then this file will be created. It will record each time the client/server communications dialog tries to connect to the server.
Created when there is a runtime error.
Syspro Communications Service will log files in your Temp directory (e.g. C:\Users\You\Local Settings\Temp) if you have the DetailedLog setting set to true in your Syspro Communications Service's config file, e.g. <add key="DetailedLog" value="true" /> in C:\Syspro\Syspro WCF Services\SYSPROWCFHostService.exe.config.
If you create this file, the Syspro Workflow engine will log actions in it.
This log file identifies the Business Objects invoked. This file gets written to by e.Net. There are two ways to cause this file to be written to:

  1. Set the LogLevel parameter to ldDebug when you use e.Net to log into Syspro.
  2. In the Syspro GUI, go to Setup / Setup Options / General Setup / System Setup; go to the General tab and set Diagnostics to enet01.
BASE/Settings/enetlog.txt does not seem to be written to anymore, since about Syspro 6.1 SP1.

To view enetlog.dat, go to Home / Administration / Diagnostics / Diagnostics Manager (aka. IMPMON). Then go to the Transaction Log tab and hit the Refresh button.

See this post for more details.
Xml inputs and outputs to Business Objects are logged here if the Diagnostics setting in System Setup / General is set to enetxx. Transaction Log
Go to Home / Administration / Diagnostics / Diagnostics Manager / Transaction Log and hit the Refresh button.
AdmEventLog (database table)
Go to Home / Customzation / Event Management / Functions / View Log File.
AdmSignatureLog (database table)
Query this table directly in the database using SQL Server Management Studio or similar.
Job Logging
Go to Setup / Security / Job Logging. This listing includes program Logon and Logoff dates and times - quite useful.
Windows Event Log
Go to the Windows Event Log / Applications and Services Logs / SYSPROCOMMS and SYSPROSWS.
Errors encountered installing Syspro ports.
Electronic Signatures Audit Log
To view this, from the Syspro main menu, go to Program List / Administration / Electronic Signatures / eSignature Query.

Don't forget these invaluable tools as well: